
Please send all submissions to I am happy review anything, and will surely post if I like it. I may even post it if I dont like it. So send that shit! Bands: if you want me to take something down, please let me know and I will do so promptly without question.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Diocletian-War of All Against All

So, for this post I couldn't deny the urge to pay homage to a great short film I recently saw. In it, a woman gives birth to a shaggy haired monstrosity resembling the creature above. It was a satanic, gory mess. Diocletian's "War of All Against All" could have easily been the soundtrack for this movie, and I kind of wish it had been. This is great blackened-death metal in the vein of Revenge/Archgoat. Atmosphere of the most fiendish kind abounds here, where the indwelling of abomination has settled on the landscape of the human psyche. At times this album can be quite Doom, but mostly blisteringly fast. Very straightforward riffs here alternate with  a tremolo-style that commit an almost primitive brutality. I will say the extended song at the end of record is slightly experimental and taxing. Worth a go, but usually I trail off. Overall a great listen!

Get it

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